Sunday, February 16, 2020

Artist-run Galleries defying odds..

Knowing "how" and "where" to exhibit your own work is very difficult.
Kline Academy of Fine Arts 
knows that.

We share with you some valuable information..

"Artist Run Galleries Defy the Mega-Dealer Trend in Los Angeles"

New York Times Article
by Jori Finkel

We recently came across an interesting article regarding Artist-run Galleries. Established in unusual locations, garages, apartments, you name it, these Artist-run Galleries are defying the odds as they compete with mega-dealer trends in Los Angeles. A detailed discussion about the vision behind these artist-run galleries is also introduced, detailing the motivation of the Artists and how they managed to maintain a career as an artist while running a gallery. 

Give the New York Times Article a read.
(click HERE to access the article)

A few points worth mentioning, 
Artist-run Galleries:

Less Profit Driven

Promote a welcoming / inclusive environment

Establish a strong Sense of community

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