Monday, August 17, 2015

1 Day Narrative Portrait Painting Workshop with Steven Assael

We had a great time with Steven Assael in his 1 Day Narrative Portrait Painting Workshop on Sunday! 
He did a quick demo in the morning and ensured all students one-on-one instruction throughout the workshop.

He started the workshop with some lecture and a 25min-demo. 

He starts his painting very abstract

Steven's demo of Juri, this was painted only in 25 minutes!

Steven showed his beautiful drawings after the lunch break

His 18 students created such beautiful portrait paintings with Steven's help!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Steven Assael Narrative Portrait Painting Demo

Steven Assael came back to Kline Academy!

We hosted Steven Assael for the Narrative Portrait Painting Demo on Friday., Aug 14th.
Thank you Steven, David, Alexandra and all who came for making this happen!

Steven's demo of Alexandra
 We look forward to the Sunday FULL Workshop! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Do you want to get better at drawing? Take Ira's Tonal Figure Drawing Workshop!!

A Big Success in Ira Korman's Tonal Figure Drawing Workshop

This workshop definitely gave students the tools to create a successful body of work!
Every single student did a fantastic job and we are excited to announce that Ira is coming back for another 6 week session of Tonal Figure Drawing Workshop starting Tuesday August 25th!

 This is the class where you get better and gain skills and confidence!

Go to for more information!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

5 Reasons to use a Limited Palette by Brianna Lee

5 Reasons to use a Limited Palette by Brianna Lee

This limited Palette, also known as the "Zorn Palette" after artist Anders Zorn, contains the following colors: Ivory Black, Cadmium Red, Yellow Ocher and Titanium White.

  • Using a limited palette creates a natural color harmony in your painting. Virtually all colors of the spectrum can be mixed- from blues, violets to greens, yet they are made up of only three colors plus white!
  • Learning to mix colors (such as green) using primary colors (blue/black, yellow/ocher, cadmium red) instead of relying on pre-mixed tubed colors such as olive green, you will greatly expand your understanding of color theory.
  • You will begin to realize how many neutral colors exist in nature and thus acheive more accurate colors in your paintings
  • Creating a chart (picured above) will aid you in analyzing the colors you see. Color is very logical and this chart helps you (see and create) the mixtures
  • Once you gain control over a limited palette, you gain an understanding of when it is appropriate to add a more intense color, such as Ultramarine Blue, and also how to control the chroma of a color.

Now, learn real-life application and how a color chart can guide you, whether painting luminous flesh tones or earthy landscapes...

2 Day Zorn Palette Workshop 
with Brianna Lee

Friday August 28th & Sunday 30th (Saturday off) 
2 Days 10am - 5pm Only $395! 

Don't miss this rare Opportunity to study with
a master of the Zorn Palette

Visit for more information! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Please welcome our new instructor Thomas Garner

Meet Our Venetian Style Figure Painting  Instructor 
Thomas Garner

Thomas Garner - Master Painter/Instructor
Born in Boston but raised in Southern California, Tom early in his life ventured to Venice as an exchange student after studying Visual Arts at UCSD, and ended up living and studying in Italy for 24 years. He has done numerous shows in Europe and America, painted murals in Paris, sculpted in Italy and hasdone design for some of the most well known fashion brands in the world. He is also an internationally published artist and illustrator. Currently he lives in LA and also teaches at UCLA.

Subscribe now and get more information about him and his class!